
Health between the private and the public – shifting approaches

This volume of «Michael» contains the key note lectures and the evening lecture from the international conference «Health between the private and the public – shifting approaches», arranged in Oslo, Norway, September 3rd – 7th, 2003 as a joint venture by the following organisers:

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH)

Det norske medicinske Selskab (The Norwegian Medical Society)

Sriftelsen nasjonalt medisinsk museum, Oslo (The Foundation Norwegian National Medical Museum)* This volume is also the first in a series of publications from the Foundation

Norsk forening for samfunnshelse (NFSH, Norwegian Society of Public Health)

The International Network for the History of Public Health (INHPH)

Nordisk medisinsk historisk forening

Institute of general practice and community medicine. University of Oslo

Øivind Larsens

conference president

The international conference on public health history was attended by around 165 participants, coming to Oslo from the entire world. The conference was arranged as part of the 400 years anniversary for the Norwegian public health services. Summaries of the presentations are published in the booklet Kvisvik M, Larsen Ø. (eds.) Health between the private and the public – shifting approaches. Oslo: The Norwegian Medical Society, 2003. 123 pp. ISBN 82–7703–078–9. During the annversary year, historical seminars, medical exhibitions and other events were held all over the country, in order to strenghthen the ties between the past and the future in public health work. An overview is given in Michael, Vol 1, #1, 2004 (in Norwegian), and in the book Pettersen I], Siem H. (eds.) 400 years and the way forward. Oslo: Ministry of Health, 2003. 160 pp. ISBN 82–7841–210–5. On this photograph, participants at the Oslo conference are listening to the mayor of Oslo, Per Ditlev-Simonsen, during the reception offered by the municipality of Oslo in the Edvard Munch Art Museum on September 3rd. 2003. (Photo Ø. Larsen)

Work begins at the Soria Moria Conference centre on September 4th, 2003 – a glimpse of the audience. (Photo Ø. Larsen)

Keynote speaker, professor Thomas Söderqvist from Copenhagen. (Photo Ø. Larsen)